Sigismund Toduţă (1908-1991) – composer, musicologist, Universitary Teacher and Romanian academician, studied at Cluj (Romania, with Marţian Negrea) and at Rome (Italy, with Casella and Pizzetti). He created a famous School of Music at the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca.
With an impressive and complex art, Sigismund Toduţă is to be the first Romanian composer that after George Enescu and Paul Constantinescu reaches a personal style considering the musical context of the 20-th Century.
Sigismund Toduţă Foundation was established in 1991 in memory of composer and music school founder Sigismund Toduta (1908-1991).
Located on the street bearing his name, the house in which Sigismund Toduță spent the last 30 years of his life has been turned into a Memorial House dedicated to the famous Transylvanian musician.
The Foundation endeavours to preserve and promote Sigismund Toduță’s compositional and musicological legacy, and to encourage the research of his works by offering awards and scholarships.