On July 8, 1991, after the composer’s death, the musical community of Cluj, with the participation and support of 40 founding members, initiated the establishment of a Foundation committed to the preservation and dissemination of the vast spiritual legacy of the founding father of the music school of Cluj.
Georg Todutza (Steinberg, Germany), the composer’s only son and heir, welcomed the initiative and donated to this non-profit organization, as future patrimony, all the books, archive and manuscripts found in the house where his unforgettable father had spent the last 30 years of his prolific creative life (1960-1991). Moreover, the value of Toduta’s oeuvre was boosted over time by the copyright royalties derived from his works, donated to the Foundation in 2004, for a period of 70 years, through the generosity of the same Georg Toduta.
Following the approval of the Ministry of Culture and the immediate signing of the rental agreement in July, 1991, the Sigismund Toduta Foundation officially opened its headquarters at 11:00 hours on May 17, 1992. Many musicians and cultural personalities of Cluj had the opportunity to admire for the first time the place where the unforgettable Maestro had spent his life and created his works. On the same evening, the Studio Hall of the “Gheorghe Dima” Academy of Music hosted a concert in Sigismund Toduta’s memory, featuring several of his works.
During the Foundation’s first years of existence, two of the composer’s meritorious disciples, composers Hans Peter Türk and Dan Voiculescu, managed to make a scientific inventory of all of the more than 5,000 titles of musical works, books and documents.
As the detailed research of this valuable heritage continues, the Foundation’s archives and library is continuously expanding, with the generous involvement and participation of its successive management teams.
Founding members – July 8, 1991
- Grigore ZANC
- Ştefan PASCU
- Alexandru FARCAŞ
- Cornel ŢĂRANU
- Hans Peter TÜRK
- Gerda TÜRK
- Ninuca Oşanu POP
- Aurel MARC
- Gavril COSTEA
- Emil SIMON
- Edith SIMON
- Valentin TIMARU
- Maria TIMARU
- Eduard TERENYI
- Liviu GHITEA
- Francisc LASZLO
- Cristian MISIEVICI
- Constantin RÎPĂ
- Diana RÎPĂ
- Ileana PRADA
- Graziella GEORGIA
- Voichiţa TINIŞ
- Alexandru MELAC
- Gheorghe ROŞU
- Cornel GROZA
- Georgeta ANGHEL
- Victoria NICOLAE
- Alexandru MARC
- Grigore POP
- Doina HAPLEA
- Pavel PUŞCAŞ
- Mihail GUTTMAN
Management Boards
1991 – 1996
- Prof. univ. dr. Hans Peter Türk – Președinte
- Prof. univ. dr. Dan Voiculescu – Secretar general
Members: - Prof. univ. Alexandru Farcaș
- Prof. univ. dr. Cornel Ţăranu
- Prof. univ. Ninuca Pop
- Emil Simon, dirijor
- Prof. Mihail Guttman
1996 – 2001
- Prof. univ. dr. Dan Voiculescu – Președinte
- Prof. Mihai Ghircoiaş – Secretar general
- Prof. dr. Hilda Iacob – Secretar – Trezorier
Members: - Prof. univ. Alexandru Farcaș, rector AMGD
- Prof. univ. dr. Cornel Ţăranu
- Conf. univ. Adrian Pop, Filarmonica “Transilvania”
- Ciprian Rusu, redactor Radio Cluj
- Prof. Teodora Tugui, director Liceul de Muzică “S. Toduţă”
- Prof. Mihail Guttman
2001 – 2006
- Prof.univ.dr. Ninuca Oşanu Pop, A.M. G.D. – Președinte
- Prof. univ. dr. Dan Voiculescu, U.N.M.B – Vicepreședinte de onoare
- Prof. Mihai Ghircoiaş – Secretar general
- Prof. dr. Hilda Iacob – Secretar – Trezorier
Members: - Prof. univ. Aurel Marc, rector A.M.G.D.
- Acad. prof. univ. dr. Cornel Ţăranu
- Conf. univ. dr. Adrian Pop
- Ciprian Rusu, redactor Radio Cluj
- Prof. Nicolae Dăian, Liceul de Muzică “S. Toduţă”
- Prof. Mihail Guttman, Liceul de Muzică “S. Toduţă”
2006 – 2012
- Prof. univ. dr. Ninuca Oşanu Pop – Președinte
- Prof. univ. dr. Gabriel Banciu – Vicepreședinte
- Prof. Mihai Ghircoiaș – Secretar știinţific – Trezorier
- Prof. dr. Hilda Iacob – Secretar știinţific
Members: - Prof. univ. dr. Cornel Ţăranu
- Prof. univ. dr. Adrian Pop
- Prof. univ. dr. Aurel Marc
- Dr. Dorina Mangra, Filarmonica „Transilvania”
- Ciprian Rusu, redactor Radio Cluj
- Prof. Mihail Guttman
2012 – to date
- Conf. univ. dr. Ecaterina Banciu – Președinte
- Prof. Mihai Ghircoiaș – Secretar știinţific – Trezorier
Members: - Prof. univ. dr. Vasile Jucan, rector AMGD
- Prof. univ. dr. Adrian Pop
- Prof. univ. dr. Cornel Groza
- Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Gavriş
- Lect. univ. dr. Cristian Bence Muk